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Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 39, Day 1, Home Stretch

We're still on schedule to bring Hannah home tomorrow afternoon. Our second sleepover with Hannah last night went well, except for one brief bradycardia spell. That's what the monitors are for, though, and we were able to react quickly and make sure Hannah remembered to breathe. Equally important is the fact the monitors didn't generate many false alarms, which will be crucial to us getting even the token amount of sleep that new parents are allowed. Despite the brady episode, we got more sleep last night than we did the first sleepover . . . maybe three hours instead of one.

This afternoon, I'll pick up her prescriptions, and we're still awaiting delivery of the big oxygen tank (we have three 8-hour portables). We've watched the infant CPR video and scheduled Hannah's first appointment with the pediatrician. Tomorrow is the big day. Tonight will be our last full night of sleep for a while.


  1. This has been a rough time for you guys. It's good to know Hannah is finally able to go home with you, & that you can start getting into a normal swing.

    We're all plugging for you.

  2. We are praying for a smooth transition home.
    Love you guys!
    Chris, Amy, Alex and Eliot

  3. let me know if there is anything you need from me or jon- we can run some errands for you if needed- we are off sat, sun, mon, and tues (and i am off wednesday also).


  4. Dear Carla & Karl,
    It's been a long road and we are so exctied you are taking Hannah home. Hopefully Carter won't be too far behind you. We will always keep you in our prayers. Our shared birthday will always be a reminder of how incredible our children are.

    Love, Sean, Chelle & Carter


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