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Sunday, October 7, 2007

Week 36, Day 3, Breaking the Fast

Hannah started back on some milk this afternoon (about a third of an ounce compared to the normal 1.3-ounce meal). She's not showing any signs of being sick, but one of her blood cultures came back positive for staph infection. The doctor thinks it might be a false positive, but they'll do more blood tests in the morning to check again. If it looks like her body is gearing up to fight infection, they'll start her on antibiotics to help out. Infections are pretty common in preemies (as well as any adult patient in the hospital for more than a couple weeks), so this isn't anything to worry about at the moment.

Here are a couple of photos I took a couple nights ago before Hannah went back on CPAP. In the first one, you can see the mini-boom-box I made from a set of miniature speakers and an old MP3 player. The CPAP is noisy enough that we're not using the boom-box now.

Speaking of the noisy CPAP, click here to see a short video clip (12MB) of Hannah with the CPAP. The hissing noise is the CPAP, the beeping is the monitor telling us that Hannah is over-satting (meaning her blood oxygen saturation is nice and high). In moderation, over-satting a good thing, but if she over-sats for too long, they'll drop her oxygen a little to avoid harming her eye development with too much oxygen.


  1. Karl,
    You amaze me (mini boom box!).

  2. Wow, this week has been eventful! Best of luck on that test being negative tomorrow. At least it isn't considered something to be terribly concerned about (though we're sure you & Carla will worry just the same).

    Carla has no reason to be concerned about taking proper care of Hannah once she's home. You 2 are going to make terrific parents!


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