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Saturday, September 22, 2007

Week 34, Day 2

We had a good day with Hannah. At one point, Carla got the giggles about something (don't ask) while holding Hannah, and we were in the curiously new situation of worrying whether we were going to wake up Hannah if we couldn't stop laughing. Hannah didn't seem to mind, but I mention it because it seemed to be a turning point; while we have had pleasant hours in the NICU, it is the first time Carla has been relaxed enough to laugh out loud. We had just had a very optimistic talk with the doctor, Hannah was sleeping peacefully, and we're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Hannah's handling the nasal cannula and her feeds quite well, and might even graduate to bottle feeding next week. She's at 3 lbs 12 oz, still going in the right direction weight-wise. She had another slight bradycardia spell this morning, but everyone assures us that these are quite normal and it would be more surprising if she didn't have a few.


  1. She is looking almost full grown! I know she's still teeny tiny, but compared to several weeks ago...
    She's changed so much!
    Peace has come over Carla's countenance. An answer to my prayers.
    With Love,

  2. her growth really is visible- she's looking great! auntie cat and uncle jon would like to visit soon-


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