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Sunday, September 16, 2007

Week 33, Day 4, Off the Vent!

Another milestone . . . this morning Hannah's doctors decided to see how she would do with a nasal cannula (nose tube) instead of the CPAP (pressurized mask). They tried a couple times a few days ago and Hannah just wasn't ready for it. Well, she's been on a nasal cannula since 9am this morning and is doing just fine.

I know this can sound trivial to those not familiar with the NICU, but it really is a big step toward independence for Hannah, and we're nearly giddy with optimism. There are still a lot of hurdles left for Hannah and potential setbacks, but this is the lowest level of breathing support that a preemie can need, and a nasal cannula is one of those things that can come home with her if necessary. She'll also be more free to move around, look around, and nurse.

We went to the NICU at 3pm today to stay with Hannah, but another preemie nearby was undergoing surgery so we didn't get to go in. We waited a few hours and decided to go eat and then try again at 9pm (the NICU is closed for shift change from 6pm to 8pm, and 6am to 8am, presumably to let the nurses pass the baton and write up reports; but I suspect it is also to force obsessed parents to go eat at least twice a day).

Anyway, since Hannah is doing so well today, if you could aim some of those positive thoughts and prayers at the baby that needed surgery this afternoon, and his parents, and all the other parents and babies that we share the NICU with, I'm sure it would be appreciated. We've been there and our hearts ache to know the stress and worry they're going through.


  1. She's just so pretty! And, she has her first hair bow...the first of many, I'm sure! She'll be home with you before you know it!

    Dana, Jim, Emily, and Isabella

  2. Love the hat! What wonderful news she's off the vent. Yeah! Carla, miss you at chorus. We're into Christmas music now, so you already know the songs! (hint, hint) :) You two take care. Hannah's a doll!

    Becky Willis


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