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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Week 32, Day 3, Bear Watching

We were hesitant to leave Hannah to drive three hours away for Carla's sister's wedding. We knew Hannah was in the safest and most nurturing environment available, with a platoon of good people that care for her as if she were their own. But we had always been able to tell ourselves "We're only 15 minutes away." Upping that to 200 minutes was a small leap of faith.

Of course, we needn't have worried. Hannah did very well while we were gone and is requiring less and less support from the ventilator. And, when we walked into the NICU at 11:30 last night, we found this little guy watching over Hannah, burp cloths and extra blanket at the ready. He was apparently brought in over the weekend by one of the nurses that watched over Carla during some of the roughest days of our hospital stay. Thank you, Sandra. I wish you could have seen Carla's eyes when she read the card.

Hannah's oxygen requirements and blood tests are good enough today that they are dropping her PEEP (airflow pressure) from 7 to 6 to see how she handles it. Over the course of a couple weeks, if she can get down to 3, she may be ready for a nasal cannula, which is the least intrusive form of breathing aid.

1 comment:

  1. So great that Hannah's doing so well!

    Congrats to your sister, Carla. It's nice you got to be there, & encouraging that you & Karl felt comfortable enough to go now that Hannah's made so much progress. It's terrific that she was improving even in your absence.


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