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Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Week 37, Day 5, Ready or Not . . .

The doctor told Carla today that if everything goes as planned, Hannah can come home the middle of next week! We'll "room in" at the hospital for a couple of days before that to make sure we can take care of her on our own. She'll likely come home with an oxygen tank, but that's OK, and she'll only need it for a few weeks. The only thing we're really apprehensive about is having to suction oxygen boogers out of her nose, which the nurses graciously take care of at the moment. I think that's going to be unpleasant for both parties no matter who's doing it to whom.

She's off the IV again, which is a good thing, because it was most recently in her scalp and the conehead look does not become her (see below). The feeding tube should be gone soon, too.


  1. Wow - that's wonderful news! Now quick, go catch a movie or something! You date nights are numbered for a while... ;)

    - Rick

  2. fantastic!! jon and i can't wait for her welcome home party!
    aunt cat


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