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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Week 38, Day 2

Somehow, Hannah managed to gain four ounces yesterday, weighing in now at 5 lbs 4 oz. Four ounces is the equivalent of two regular-size Snickers bars, and her legs are each about the size of a Snickers bar. I looked around for extra legs or Snickers bars that she might be hiding, but didn't see any.

She's down from half a liter of oxygen per minute to 2 tenths of a liter. 1 tenth is what the home oxygen level will be, so that's the target. We met with the doctor today to discuss the logistics of transitioning to home: pulmonologist, pediatrician, oxygen delivery, CPR training, rooming-in, and medications. We're still on track for sometime next week, but Hannah may be ready before we are.


  1. ...that wasn't a snickers bar she was hiding in her diaper, karl...

    ;-) aunt cat

  2. Yay for Hannah that she's in the "baby steps" area now!

    Good to hear how Haze's doing, & that you're planning to keep her! A lot of people would probably just ditch the dog, which seems, in our minds, unfair. After all, she can't help it that she's mentally deranged. ;) ;) .


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