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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Week 35, Day 7, First Graduation Day

We were surprised to learn today that Hannah was given the OK to move out of the ICU portion of the NICU and into the "Baby Steps" area. This is the section of the NICU for babies that no longer need an isolette (incubator) to maintain their temperature, and don't have ventilators or IVs. Hannah still has the nasal cannula for oxygen supplement, and a feeding tube until she's adjusted to exclusive bottle feeding, but she's now in an open crib in a more open room that actually has a skylight to let the babies adjust to the day/night cycle.

So, we just got back from visiting Hannah in her new digs. She seems OK with the new surroundings, pretty much zonked out while we chatted with one of the parents of Hannah's birthday twin, born the same day as Hannah and Steven. We hung around until the midnight touch time, took her temperature, changed her diaper, and tucked her back in. I brought her a preemie boom box . . . essentially a cheap MP3 player velcroed to a cheap speaker, loaded with a dozen lullabies. We'll see how that works out for her, and maybe load it up with Mom's voice next time.


  1. For those of you who do not know it, Carla has a singing voice that Auntie Rena has said is "the voice of an angel." Hannah will be blessed to hear Mom sing lullabies.
    Grandma Minor

  2. The preemie boom-box sounds like a fine idea! Cool that Hannah could hear her mom's voice even when she isn't able to be near her.


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