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Friday, October 19, 2007

Week 38, Day 1, Five Pounds!

Hannah is officially too big for her britches today, as she has passed the 5-lb mark and the preemie diapers are only good for "up to 5 pounds". She's also learned to cry when she's hungry, sleep when she's rocked, and drink her milk a bit more philosophically when the nurses have put those nasty tasting vitamins in it. She's also moved out of the presidential suite in the NICU to the "Baby Steps" area, now that she's off the IV and the private room could be more effectively utilized by babies that need a bit more critical care.

Carla and I got our vaccinations this morning, particularly for whooping cough and flu. Preemies are much more susceptible to both, and it's best to eliminate the parents as potential infection vectors.

We're busy getting the house ready for Hannah . . . dusting in places we didn't know we had places. Generous friends and family have provided most of the essentials: car seat, stroller, playpen, bassinet, clothes, blankets, bibs, bears, and even a last night on the town before we become housebound for RSV season. I can't thank everybody enough.

What's RSV? You've probably had it, and in most adults and children, it is indistinguishable from the common cold. You get over it, it goes away, and you forget about it. For Hannah and other ultra-preemies, whose immune systems got several months' less fortification from Mom's blood supply, respiratory syncytial virus can be life-threatening. The net effect is that Hannah has to be protected a bit more than full-term babies throughout the RSV season of October through May. This means we won't be taking her to crowded malls or stores, and visitors to the house will have to scrub down, and maybe even wear face masks if they or someone they know has a cold. The NICU has already been closed off until May to any children under 17, since they are the most likely to have RSV.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys are taking care of yourselves! That is so important!!! Hannah looks absolutely wonderful!!!

    With Love,
    Chris, Amy, Alex and Eliot


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