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Friday, August 17, 2007

Tribute to Dad

My sister Melanie wrote this tribute to be read at Dad's funeral:

I started out to write a tribute for my Father but we've been talking all night, and mostly laughing and giggling like fools.

Sitting at the kitchen computer I started by asking for one-word descriptions of Dad. By the time we got past “Curmudgeon” and “Resourceful”, we were in stitches. In the end we settled on “Inspiration.”

We talked about Dad and his friends and shared stories and grieved his loss and shared a healthy dose of his humor. We also rejoiced about the continuing good health of Dad’s newest precious granddaughter, Hannah. Hannah may not know it yet, but she has a very special angel giving her attention from above. Dad can be a force to be reckoned with, and he has some expertise with granddaughters!

No daughter ever felt as secure and content in her father’s love as I did as a child. Dad loved all children, and they loved him back. One of the white boards you see in this church is completely covered with pictures and drawings and notes from Dad’s refrigerator, all from the young friends he cherished so much. Some of these friends are adults now. In his later years, Dad’s chronic pain could render him a cranky old guy, but around children he was as soft as butter.

I can see why Iron River was Dad’s favorite place on earth. He loved the changing seasons, the beautiful lakes and woods, the crisp air. Most of all he was happy, surrounded by loving friends. His wish was to die here. Thank you all for your friendship and support as we mourn his loss and celebrate his life. Thank you, Butch, for the loving care you have given Dad to allow him to live here in his northern Garden of Eden. Dad loved you very, very much, and so do I.

Ted Minor was a very special Daddy, a patient teacher, a respected friend. His sense of humor was legendary. Hes had character and integrity. He was generous with his love, his knowledge, his garden, and his enthusiasm for life. He was the rock of our family. We will miss him terribly.



  1. The Minors are incredibly gifted writers. Melanie, I did not know your dad, but through this tribute, I feel now that I know a morsel. Thank you so much for an "eye" into his life.

    Amy Johnson

  2. Karl, thanks to you & yours for sharing such a moving tribute to your dad. What we've learned from you & Melanie makes us feel like we knew him just a little bit.

    Your dad will obviously be terribly missed, & with good reason; but he left behind a great legacy in his family.


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