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Monday, August 6, 2007

Day 21, Afternoon

Yesterday was Hannah's 3-week birthday, and she's been stable for a week now. They take an X-ray of her lungs every day to gauge progress, and the doctor has positioned her on her left side to try to encourage the right lung to catch up with the left, and to avoid a repeat of the lung leak she's had twice already.

We're meeting this evening with a preemie support group made up of parents that have been through the NICU experience successfully.

I've returned to work this week, and I expect that we'll fall into a routine for the hospital visits eventually. Maybe at lunch and in the evening. Of course, Carla will likely be up there more often while I'm at work.

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, you two! Everybody's pulling for you & the little Minor.


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