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Thursday, August 16, 2007

Day 31, Evening

I'm in Iron River for Dad's funeral tomorrow, but have been checking in with Carla and the NICU throughout the day. Hannah is doing well, but is still having a lot of fluid in her lungs that has to be periodically suctioned out. This is a common side-effect of being intubated on a ventilator, so they might try to take her off the ventilator tonight or tomorrow to see if she can breathe on her own. She'll still need oxygen supplement, but oxygen up the nose is a lot less intrusive than a tube down the windpipe. If she doesn't breathe enough on her own, they'll just replace the breathing tube and try again later. It's all part of the process of encouraging her body to take over as soon as it's ready.

1 comment:

  1. Karl,
    Thanks for keeping us posted, even while you are out of town. We look forward to hearing about Hannah daily and it helps us to know specifically what to pray for her.
    Have a safe trip back.


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