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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Ever had one of those days when you smile so much your face hurts? My face hurt after we visited with several charter members of the Hannah Blog Fan Club on Sunday. The first stop was Carla's parent's Sunday School class, many of whom I've known almost as long as I've known Carla. They've been following the blog since day one and were pretty excited to finally meet Hannah in person. Next, we met up with Velma and Aunt Rena at my mom's house.

I think it would be safe to say that Hannah was not starved for attention this Christmas. We spent Christmas at Carla's parent's house, along with my mom and Rena, and Carla's sister Cat and husband Jon. Ate too much and probably sampled too many spirits.

And here's Hannah in one of her first Christmas outfits. She has several more to take us all the way through the twelve days of Christmas.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and are taking stock of all your blessings, as we certainly are. And please spare a moment of thought and prayer for those families that spent this holiday season in the NICU, and for all those that have lost a child before their first Christmas. And especially for little Ethan Powell and his family, who are fighting the odds to beat leukemia. In the face of what would be unbearable stress and worry for the rest of us, Ben and Becky are embracing every day with Ethan and showing us exactly how life should be cherished, one day at a time.


  1. I have checked out little Ethan's website and we will begin praying for him now, too. Thank you for sharing his (and his family's needs) with us. We agree with them...God hears and responds to our prayers. :-)

    Love you guys,
    Chris, Amy, Alex and Eliot

  2. Terrific to hear that Hannah has managed her first road trip & seen many of those who have heard so much about her.

    Merry Christmas to all of you, & a Happy New Year!


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