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Thursday, March 6, 2008


I see that it's been a week since the last blog update. Sorry about that.

Hannah is over 14 lbs now, and has learned how to use her hands to grab and hold toys. She has a couple of new favorite toys that our friends Raoon and Hooria (and family) brought over last weekend. And she likes to hug and paw at the various stuffed animals she's accumulated from her admirers.

We're having so much fun that the days just fly by, and it's hard to tear myself away to get things like blog updates done. But I know that some of you might abandon all reason and phone in an Amber alert if I make you go a full week without pictures, so here they are:

1 comment:

  1. She is so beautiful -- inside and out! I can tell that she is a real sweetheart by her smile. :-)
    Have a wonderful week!


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