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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sleeping Soundly

I have a web cam set up so I can check in on Hannah while I'm at work (you can never be too careful who you leave your child home with, even if you've been married to her for seventeen years). OK, it's actually there so the grandparents can get the occasional Hannah fix. Anyway, I happened across the image above while checking the cam from work today, and snapped a copy for posterity.

Hannah learned to giggle and laugh a couple days ago. I was so surprised and amused that I laughed back at her, which she found hilarious and laughed even more. It was particularly funny because she hasn't quite got the hang of it yet, and sounds sorta like a baboon with hiccups, with the occasional vibrato squeal thrown in. Anyway, we laughed at each other until we were both pretty worn out. Carla and Hannah played the same game the next day.

She also slept straight through the night for the first time last night. She's probably been ready to do that for a while, but we've been waking her up at 3am for a bottle. But she's now at the point where she can drink enough before bed to keep her from getting hungry until the morning feeding, so we've increased the daytime feeds to compensate for the 3am feeding we're going to eliminate.

Carla's off at chorus practice tonight, but I bundled up Hannah a while ago and crashed the rehearsal for a few minutes, just to see the look on Carla's face when we walked in. :-) Neither of us can get enough of this little milk monkey.

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