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Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Sorry about the lack of updates lately. I've been trying to get caught up on some of the cleaning around the house, and between work, chores, and trying to find new ways to make Hannah smile, I'm usually dog tired before I get a chance to blog. But I'm slowly whipping the house back into shape. Mostly I've just whipped all the clutter out into the den where Hazie stays, so my next chore is to clean that out and make a deposit at Goodwill, to reclaim the floor space critical to Hazie's daily RC truck roundup duty.

But everything is going great. Hannah has been completely oxygen-free for about four days and nights now. Well . . . she's still breathing oxygen, of course . . . she's just doing it on her own without the supplement from the cannula. If we can get permission from the pulmonologist to take her off the diuretic (keeps fluid out of the lungs) and the sodium chloride (replaces the salt that the diuretic leaches away), it will make it easier to increase her feeding size and decrease the frequency. She gets 6-7 bottles a day, mainly so we can put the medicine in them. Fewer meds makes it easier to go to fewer feeds, and the goal is about four feeds of 6 ounces each, instead of the seven of 3.5 ounces today.

But enough about that . . . you probably just want another picture, right?

1 comment:

  1. Wow, a CRAWFISH costume for a wee bairn. Have never seen the like!

    Good to see you all are having fun.


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