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Monday, November 26, 2007

Pulmonologist (Lung Doctor)

Hannah visited the lung doctor today. No big surprises, but he said we can probably stop one of the breathing treatments as long as she's not having any wheezing attacks. We're probably still looking at another month or more on the oxygen, but we sort of expected that.

Hannah got a visit yesterday from some charter members of Team Hannah. Eliot, Chris, Amy, and Alex Johnson (left to right) have been praying hard and lending support since day one, and we've been looking forward to this get-together. Too bad Hannah slept through the whole thing. I offered to wake her up with the ice-cube-on-the-leg trick, but everybody but me seems to think that's cruel or something.

And of course I'm still annoying Carla and Hannah with the camera. Remember that for every picture you see on the blog, I've probably taken a dozen more that either didn't make the cut or are intended for the archives.


  1. Oh my gosh! That pic of Carla and Hannah is amazing. They're like models!!! :-) Thanks so much for allowing us to love on Hannah for a few minutes. She is precious.
    p.s. We loved all the blood gas demos and all that. Karl...you're a hoot!

    Amy, Chris, Alex and Eliot

  2. karl & carla,

    congratulations- hannah looks beautiful, happy & healthy!!!

    i love the picture of mama & hannah. so sweet...

    keep up those camera skilz!


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