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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Toe-Biting Roomba

I was sitting at the computer the other day, minding my own business, when Hannah wandered up and bit my toe. That's the extent of our excitement these days, just the typical problems of keeping a newly mobile infant out of trouble. She's not happy unless she's pulling herself up to peek out a window, or over a chair or end table.

Anything on the floor is a baby magnet, and we've learned that if she's crawling around with one hand in a fist, it means she's found a scrap of paper or bug. As long as we pry those things out of her little hands often enough, she pretty much keeps the floors clean.

I've also started putting random baby-safe objects, like cups, rolls of tape, empty soda boxes, on the floor for her to find and play with, to keep her from exploring more dangerous options like outlets, computer wires, and cabinets. I sometimes feel like a fighter pilot, ejecting chaff and flares to distract the BB-391 missile on my tail.
Aunt Cat and Uncle Jon found an appropriate onesie for Hannah at the outlet mall the other day:

We filled up the wading pool and inflatable crab last week to let Hannah splash around a bit outside. She was also fascinated by the weeds growing up between the bricks in the patio, and she learned what a garden hose tastes like.

Be sure to check out Carter, Ashley, and Avery's blogs for updates on Hannah's friends.

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Comments will be added to the blog as soon as we see them. This delay is needed to keep spammers from using Hannah's blog to advertise junk and spread viruses. -- Karl