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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mmmm . . . Yummy Soap!

I suppose that when every single meal is the same old thing, day after day, any new taste is welcome. For Hannah, that tasty diversion is bath soap. She seems to like licking suds off her hands.

Mom and Rena liked the picture below enough that I figured it should make it to the blog. As you might have guessed, I take a LOT of pictures of Hannah, and only a few make it to the blog. This one didn't make the original cut because I preferred the ones where she was smiling and her eyes were better lit.

We have an appointment with a developmental specialist Tuesday, who will assess how well Hannah is progressing as far as behavior, coordination, awareness, etc. From what I've read, she seems to be doing fine . . . but it would be better to hear that from someone more qualified than myself.

It occurred to me that this blog tends to focus on Hannah (duh), and you're mostly hearing about it from my perspective. You don't hear much about Carla. Well, Carla is doing just great, and seems to be happier than she's been in a long, long time. So am I, as you've probably noticed from reading the blog. And Carla is doing a phenomenal job with all the late night feedings and diaper changes, mixing and medicating formula, baths and breathing treatments. I help out on nights and weekends, and take the late night feedings when I don't have to work the next day. But Carla is handling the bulk of all this with grace and ease, falling into the motherhood role quite naturally.

Most importantly, Hannah is, as far as we can tell, content and happy. She smiles a lot, and it lights up corners of our home that we had never noticed were dark.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh----music to a grandma's ears.
    Grandma Minor


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