It's been pretty windy here lately. We don't think much about it, now that I don't have time to fly kites or RC planes, but last time we took Hannah outside it occurred to me that she's never really experienced wind before. It took her a few minutes to get used to it, then she was back to exploring the back yard.
She still doesn't have enough hair to do much with (we have to dress her in pink when we go out or everyone assumes she's a boy), but it's just enough hair to leave her with chicken feathers in the morning, and just enough to blow in the wind a little.
Not much else going on, except a LOT of walking. I put together another video of her perambulations. Click here if you don't see the video window below. NOTE: Click the "watch in high quality" link on the YouTube page for a better video picture.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
First Wind
Posted by
Karl and Carla Minor
11:11 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Drunken Sailor
Well, we aren't counting steps anymore. Hannah is now toddling non-stop around the house like a drunken sailor (my Mom's words) and quite of proud of herself, too. To see what I mean, click the video below or this link if your browser or email reader doesn't show the video player below.
We had a great time in Ohio (our friends Doug and Donna threw an amazing wedding) and Hannah and her Bossier contingent apparently had a blast entertaining each other while we were gone. While we were up north, we took in the Columbus Zoo, a corn maze, and some prehistoric Indian mounds. Carla is the little white dot walking along the serpent mound below.
We also enjoyed the luxury of several grown-up restaurant dinners. You know, the kind where you just eat your food at a leisurely pace without worrying about your child knocking the condiments off the table or shrieking like a chimp at the ceiling fan, and where paying the bill is not followed by Cheerio collection duty under the table.
But we were sure glad to get back and see that grinning little girl again. Strangely enough, grown-up dinners don't seem quite as much fun as we remembered. Cheerio clean-up is a small price to pay for the feeling of completeness I get when carrying Hannah out to the car after a meal. And when she occasionally looks up at me out of the blue and flashes one of those "That was fun, Dad" smiles, I just start thinking about what restaurant we can take her to next, and whether they have interesting ceiling fans or colorful condiments on the tables.
Those of you following Carter's progress probably already know that he flew back from Boston while we were in Ohio, and is now doing great, settled in at home in Texas with his parents. It is an amazing relief to have Hannah's birthday twin back home, stable and back on track (they were born on the same day and spent their first few months in the same NICU) . If you missed the excitement, be sure to check out his website and the local news story about him.
Posted by
Karl and Carla Minor
9:12 PM